Smoking Relapse

Smoking Relapse

What causes a Smoking Relapse?

Why is it that people who have quit smoking successfully, have a  relapse after many years or even decades as a non-smoker?

What actually brings on a smoking relapse?

  • Does it just creep up on you or does the craving attack you: completely out of the blue?
  • Will a smoking relapse come back to stalk you when you not looking?

What an horrendous idea? The notion of using so much discipline and persevering through months of nicotine withdrawal only to return to the slavery of nicotine addiction – it can actually make the whole task seem hopeless for you; all the while, as you try to become a non-smoker.

But luckily, relapses don’t occur suddenly out of the blue as the majority of cigarette smokers think.

Smoking relapse - Woman Smoking cuban cigar
Smoking Relapse – Woman Smoking Cuban Cigar

There are numerous reasons and elements as to why we have a smoking relapse, most are fairly small to start with, but they slowly begin to have the  snowball effect which together, lead us back to smoking again.

Let’s take a look at some of the most obvious reasons:

  • Envy
    • My friends smoke and have more fun and are happier than me.

Is that how you talk to yourself whenever you see a friend smoking while you are in your daily battle combating the evil weed, working to get rid of your dependency on that poison: nicotine?

Does it make you pity yourself?

Remember, your buddy is smoking due to the fact that he is psychologically and physically addicted to nicotine.

He can’t even begin to think about the battle against it, yet.

While you are on the road to a healthier, longer life!

Just think, your success might be the spur he needs to start his own quest to quit smoking.

As a matter of fact, data reveals that 70 percent of smokers would quit if they could.

So, be proud that you have actively taken actions against smoking.

Something, I would highly recommend after you have quit smoking is to have lung detox, as it can considerably reduce the time it takes to get back to healthy lungs again.

The program I have discovered and recommend is: The Complete Lung Detoxification Guide

When you have eliminated cigarette smoking from your life, you to help your lungs back to full health as quickly as possible.

  • Self-Deprecation
    • Do you feel too weak to remain a non-smoker?
    • Are you constantly considering the past attempts you’ve made that failed?

Just Hold On For One Moment!

Thinking that way sets you up for a failure, prior to you even getting started.

Constantly keep an eye on those self-defeating notions that you unconsciously let creep through your mind in your weaker moments!

When a negative thought slips through the net; through it out as quick as you can.

We need to concentrate on positive thinking.

When you master it, and you will master it, you will begin to feel more and more empowered, you will know that you will be the master of addiction to nicotine!

Don’t allow your strength-of-will to be weakened by your friends that have no will-power.

Rather help them improve their chances to quit smoking.

Be responsible for your own actions.

By accomplishing this, you are offering yourself the power to discover solutions not simply to smoking, but to other issues in your life as well.

  • Cocksureness

If self-pity placed you at a drawback, the threats brought by over-confidence can be just as ruinous for your program of staying off cigarettes.

Keep in mind ‘Quitting isn’t difficult’ it’s the act of remaining a non-smoker where the problems lie for most would be quitters and where you will most likely have a smoking relapse, so keep that in mind.

Smoking relapse - Smoking kills
Smoking Relapse – Smoking kills

Why is it a sign on a cigarette packet like the one above; becomes completely invisible to smokers?

Remember for healthier lungs see The Complete Lung Detoxification Guide

See our home page ‘Nicotine Slave‘ for further articles and information.

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Mykal Jon
Mykal Jon

Hi, I'm the editor of the posts on this blog. My goal is to provide you with useful, straight-forward insights on how to QUIT SMOKING and improve the overall health of your lungs by bringing you all the latest news and developments from the world of healthy SMOKE-FREE living.

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