Nicotine addiction through smoking cigarettes is a genuine problem for its sufferers, and now that you have made your way to this site by whatever means, you will feel very fortunate as you will be surrounded by sympathetic people who have all been where you are now.

Smoking and nicotine-related disorders are much misunderstood; here we intend to redress the balance by only giving you well-researched information from real sufferers who have managed to find solutions to their ever-present problem, in as natural a way as possible.
A Great Web Site to Help You Quit Smoking for Good!
It’s an important time in your life and you want to make sure that you have all the correct information when it comes to finding help with this serious addiction which threatens to ruin your health.

This site is dedicated to giving you the best and safest information on all things to do with – Nicotine Addiction.
If you have been through similar situations and managed to find your way through them successfully, please share this with your fellow sufferers below in the comment box.
I quit smoking over 20 years ago now and think it’s doubtful I would be around today to try and encourage other smokers to quit, had I not managed to break my addiction to nicotine.
I used to smoke anywhere between 80 to 100 cigarettes (4 to 5 packs) a day, so strong was my addiction to cigarettes.
Just imagine the cost today, I think I would have had to give up eating!
I used to suffer from bad throat infections and coughs virtually year round and yet I still carried on smoking throughout all my illnesses. It is quite incredible that something that harms you so much is difficult to remove from your life.
I have just published a book on Amazon that I first started writing about nine years ago: you may find it of value in your attempt to quit smoking, I have put a link to it below:
How To Quit Smoking – Freedom From Nicotine Slavery
I have listed one letter I received below because it made me realise that I could make a difference for the better.
“I had tried everything to quit smoking; from cold turkey to acupuncture. The full A-Z of treatments, but all to no avail, they just didn’t work for me. The longest I ever managed was five weeks, which at that time felt like an eternity of pain and anguish. So, when I was told about your book by a good friend, I felt obliged to give it a try although I must admit I read it with a large dose of scepticism. The book was like a breath of fresh air, I actually enjoyed reading it – a book about quitting smoking! As I read through I started looking forward to stopping smoking, I really did; incredible. I have been a non-smoker for three and a half months now, and I am confident that’s the way it will stay. If any would-be quitters are on the fence about their ability to quit for good, they should definitely read your book, they might just surprise themselves.”
Yours eternally grateful, Martha
In the meantime please Search through our site for a wealth of articles and information to help you on your journey towards a greater and longer healthy smoke-free life.
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