If you are feeling desperate and see no escape from Nicotine Addiction then you have arrived at the right website!
The founder of NicotineSlave is an ex-5-pack, 100 cigarettes a day smoker.
He quit over 15 years ago and has never had one cigarette to this day.
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Welcome To Nicotine Slave
Nicotine addiction through smoking cigarettes is a genuine problem for its sufferers, and now that you have made your way to this site by whatever means, you will feel very…
Pros and Cons of Vaping
Vaping, the act of inhaling vapour produced by electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), has become a popular alternative to traditional smoking. While it is marketed as a safer alternative, the debate over…
Smoking Cessation
Are You Serious About Smoking Cessation? Let’s have a show of hands from everyone determined to quit smoking and make it a permanent part of their lives this time! Sadly,…
You Need to Quit Smoking!
You wouldn’t visit sites like NicotineSlave if this weren’t the case! So, the question is:How badly do you want to STOP smoking? First Question: What is addiction? Addiction can be…
Vaping Good or Bad
Vaping is bad for your health, so don’t do it! In conclusion, while vaping may pose fewer risks than smoking, it is not risk-free, and the full extent of its…
Is Smoking Sexy? The evidence suggests – YES
Do you think smoking is sexy? The reason I ask the question: “Do people still think smoking is sexy?”is because after all the articles that have been written and all…
7 Secrets Control Smoking Urges
Discover 7 Secrets Control Smoking Urges Successfully… Here are the 7 Secrets to Control Smoking Urges Effectively. You’ve heard all the witty quit smoking sayings. “It’s the cigarette that smokes.…
3 Top Challenges When Trying to Kick the Butt
Can you guess what the 3 top challenges are when trying to kick the butt? The famous author, Mark Twain, once said, “Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in…